Citrus jams
Orange jam
Ingredients: Taronja, sucre 50%, lemon juice.
Pes: 250 gr
Only oranges grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers, no artificial embellishments. We make this jam with all the fruit (skin and pulp) to take advantage of all its benefits
CONFITURA de llimona i menta
Ingredients: Llimona ecològica, White sugar 50%, demand
Pes: 250 gr.
Only lemons, intensely lemons and fresh mint from our garden.
Lemon and ginger JAM
Ingredients: Llimona ecològica, sucre 50%, ginger
Pes: 250 gr.
Only lemons, intensely lemony with a touch of ginger. Our version of gin lemon. Refreshing and energizing. Fantastic with a good piece of toasted peasant bread, comforting with a spoonful of infused honey, or cheering up a simple baked chicken.
Lemon jam
4,50 €
Ingredients: Llimona 50%, sucre 50%
Pes: 250 gr.
Only lemons, intensely lemony. Lemons without chemicals, nor waxes on the skin.
Mandarin jam
4,50 €
Ingredients: Rolled tangerines 50%, sucre 50%, lemon juice.
Pes: 250 gr.
Only tangerines grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers, no artificial embellishments. You can enjoy top quality fruit with an excellent flavor all year round.
Melmelada de carbassa i cítrics
4,50 €
Ingredients: Carbassa, taronja dolça, taronja amarga i llimona, espècies, i sucre
Pes: 250 gr.
Aromàtica combinació de cítrics, la dolçor de la carbassa i el toc final de les espècies i el gingebre. No deixeu de tastar-la o oferir-la com a regal als amants dels cítrics.
Bitter orange JAM
4,50 €
Ingredients: Organic bitter oranges 50%, sucre 50%, lemon juice.
Pes: 250 gr.
We make this jam with all the fruit (skin and pulp) per a aprofitar-ne tots els nutrients. Intense.